Styling LED Light.

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Styling LED Light.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Hi, I'm new to the forum.

I'm looking at installing some blue LED bulbs to replace my two interior spot lights and my boot light.It wont let me attach a link of the bulbs i have brought as i am new to the forum but i have brought '2x Car LED 501 T10 W5W BLUE 4 XENON Side Light Bulb' for the boot and 2x Festoon 42mm 264 8 LED C10W 10x42 SV8,5 bulb' for the interior spot lights. I was just wondering if anyone had any idea if they will be the right bulbs and if I will need any resisters for them?

Both in blue to match my paintwork.
Welcome mate I think the interior ones I fitted are the same size as the ones you have mentioned. Because they use such a low current mine are always slightly lit. Boot one is fine though. Don't think you will need any resistors.
Hope this helps. Btw did you measure the existing bulbs ?