Technical Idling problem.

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Technical Idling problem.

When I changed the pump in the tank it would start but not run, turned out to be lack of fuel as the new pump didn't sit as low in the tank. 5ltrs of extra fuel solved the problem.
It's a relatively cheap fix!
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Hello guys. Time to wake this thread up again. I've been away for a few weeks on vacation in Italy (oh all the pandas on the road :yum:).

So, I havn't been able to figure out the idling problem yet (not that I've tried really hard but...).

Tomorow I'll be removing the idle control stepper motor to take a look on it, and I just wanted to check, do I actually have to remove the whole throttle body assembly to remeve the idle control thingy? Or is there some other good way to remeve it? Because I can't reach it as it sits because of the engine getting in the way.

And another question refering to the video dragonman posted on page one of this thread:
Would the ringed in screw on the picture be the same thing as shifting the wiring conector thing on the other side, or is this screw fore something else? Because this screw was miles away from even touching the plate connected to the throttle.

Thanks. :)


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okay so today I dissasembled the idle control motor from the throttle body, because even though it can move maybe it still needs a bit of cleaning.

Am I supposed to dissasemble it more or should this thing not be messed with? I guess it can be opened because when I search for " idle control stepper motor" for fiat panda I only get a picture that looks nothing like this, but I just wanted to check so I don't break it.

Oh, now I found an idle controll thing that looks like mine, but it said that it wasn't compatible with the 4x4, only with the 1000 i.e. cat, although, that is the exact engine that I have on my 4x4.

was the 4x4 not usually made like mine with the i.e. and cat or why does it say "not compatible"?

Alright, **** my panda!! Today I changed the ICU but the problem persists. Still dies as soon as you don't feather the throttle.
I think I'll just put a bottle of injector cleaner in and force it out on the road so it can roll for a while, and then we'll see.
I'm a bit sick of this as you understand, but I'm not giving up!!
Yeah I did, but I need to set the idle very high to keep it running, which makes me think there is something else wrong aswell. This weekend I think I'll have to check the fuel tank and pump since the guy I bought it from said that the problems started after he removed the tank to change something not tank related (some bushings or whatever).
You mean on the fuel pump? So the fuel return hose is actually connected to the right place on the pump?
Alright, how do you think I chould go about checking that without lowering the tank?
Lets say I just reverse the cables on the trottle body and they actually were connected correctly to begin with, would I damage something by connecting them the wrong way around and trying to start the car?
there should be arrows on the throttle body showing which way the fuel should flow. however the connector on the throttle body that is closest to the rocker/cam shaft cover is the input.
just take the pipe off and put it in a bottle.. get another bit of pipe and put it on the input to the throttle body and put that in a separate bottle. then put your ignition on for a second and turn it off. if the bottle with the pipe coming from the fuel filter has fuel in it, you know it is piped in the right way around :D
Okay, I'll check, though we did check the fuelpipe with the filter on to see if any fuel actually came though, which it did. Although we didn't check that the pipes are connected to the right place so I'll have to check that.

I think I'll remove the tank this weekend to take a look at the fuelpump since the guy I bought it from said the problems started when he removed and put back the tank.
Okay so today I lowered the fuel tank. I havn't disconnected anything yet so I don't know what I'll find.

Is it possible for a fuel pump to be broken in a way that it doesn't keep up enough fuel pressure? Or does a fuel pump either work completely or doesn't work at all?

Anyway I'll remove the fuel pump tomorrow, maybe it's just clogged up or something.

The tank itself looks to be in pretty good condition, even some paint left on it. At least one good thing in all this trouble. I don't know about the inside though.

Damn I just want this to be done, the car is in super condition otherwise so it's really frustrating to have this one fault!!