Hospital Trip

Currently reading:
Hospital Trip

Trancendental said:
Can Diabetes go away on its own like Asthma (sp) can?

I dont think so. Me personally i am insulin injections for the rest of my life
AppleSei said:

You are allowed 6 units of alcohol per day (1.5 pints)

No offence intended to anyone trying to offer advise but I think of it this way
"Everyone's a ****ing expert until it happens to them!"

Even the specialists at the hospital aren't experts. The only expert to get you through the rest of your diabetic life is yourself. Only you know what affects you in what way. If you want a 4% HbA1c, then by all means eat boring food, inject 15 times a day and check your blood sugar as many times as you blink your eyes. In reality, you're not meant to live your life in any way different to any of the rest of the non-diabetic people in the world. You just have to make sure you inject. Let's face it, that's the only difference in your body than anyone elses - lacking the ability to produce insulin!

There are many people that can offer advice and I strongly reccommend reading up on as much information as you can take, cos even books sometimes go against each other!

Join Diabetes UK

Get your medicine cupboard stocked up with as many freebies as possible (Since I've broken my main 2 injectors and a lancet device in the last month!) and go grab yourself a big ice-cream sundae to celebrate the start of your new life.

ok, less of the ice-cream :p
well that was posted before my discussion with the diabetes people like, well i know i can drink just gotta make sure that i have extra insulin before i go out and summat to eat :D

By the way i was wondering if we qualified as diabetics for a disabled badge? older people get them for just diabetes so wondered if we get one? :D
my Gammy foot is gettin hospital treatment and I got some thrush cream for it today....all thanks to the tax I pay :D

might take a few months to heal though. Oh well
oh, btw John, You know where I am if you need a hand (y)

Noticed a fair few Diabetics on here.....avatar title changed