
127 Found An Old Photo


Me in 1989, shocking!
Hey, I was 18 man!

1300 GT FIAT 127, XR2 killer........................

Astra? What Astra? This Astra, no she's gone.


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No, it's the 1.9 JTDm.

Nice selection of photos? I've only put a few on here, I've got 33 photos of different cars I've had since I passed my test at 17 in 1989. It's a shame, there should be more as I've had more. I regret not photographing my Strada 130TC but I only owned it for 2 months before I blew the engine up.

Mind you, some of them would make your hair curl.................................
looks like your into the fiats and its cousins cars (alfa and lancia) (y) id love to get hold of an old strada one day, my dad had the strada abarth, and swears down he beat a cosworth in it :p.