Technical Drill and retap or oversize and rivnut?

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Technical Drill and retap or oversize and rivnut?

Dec 20, 2023
Completing a few bits which needed bumper off, heat shield disintegration, and metal coolant pipe removal. Leak above oil filter and impact wrench to remove bolt 👍.
So a few bits (😞) to drill. Bumper alignment both sides, belly underpan all four rear and front bumper 3 lower.
Bumper alignment is half done so depends on nut retention or not, all others have historical broken bolts in situe but no heads.
Heat shield is another issue because I question what's the purpose and yet to get the nuts off 🫣.

Any input appreciated 😀
I’d drill out and retap for those more ‘structural/weight carrying’ areas and rivnut the less load critical…or there’s also the weld-in nut types
Bottom right of the picture in particular. Lucky me, I bought a finger sander from screwfix and its brilliant at getting into places your fingers would struggle. I've a bit to do paintwise with my own fiat underneath and also got some of the new sponge type discs for the grinder but they don't get into all the places you'd like. The wire wheel type things for the drill kind of only polish the rust in 😭
Have bought stuff call bonda primer and will see how that goes after anti rust treatment.
Bottom right of the picture in particular. Lucky me, I bought a finger sander from screwfix and its brilliant at getting into places your fingers would struggle. I've a bit to do paintwise with my own fiat underneath and also got some of the new sponge type discs for the grinder but they don't get into all the places you'd like. The wire wheel type things for the drill kind of only polish the rust in 😭
Have bought stuff call bonda primer and will see how that goes after anti rust treatment.
I've got rust to do before refit. I'll be using Dinitrol RC900 converter and then 4941protector.
As you say wire wheels a polisher. I use hand wire brushes💪👍.
I've got rust to do before refit. I'll be using Dinitrol RC900 converter and then 4941protector.
As you say wire wheels a polisher. I use hand wire brushes💪👍.
I use strip disks now as you can get various grades and finishes…just don’t buy cheap ones as they are, generally, too stiff and shatter
Personally I'd prioritise heat shield over undertray. Lots of wiring and electronics in the upper half of the engine bay but the undertray is more a liability in old age, helping the covert rusting of subframes, preventing sight of leaks etc....

Not sure if you've yet tried but I've always found the heatshield nuts to be surprisingly willing with a bit of wirebrushing, soaking, and careful spannering - perhaps because of intelligent materials choice (for once)?

And crikey, you got the rad quick connector undone! How long did that take? :D
Personally I'd prioritise heat shield over undertray. Lots of wiring and electronics in the upper half of the engine bay but the undertray is more a liability in old age, helping the covert rusting of subframes, preventing sight of leaks etc....

Not sure if you've yet tried but I've always found the heatshield nuts to be surprisingly willing with a bit of wirebrushing, soaking, and careful spannering - perhaps because of intelligent materials choice (for once)?

And crikey, you got the rad quick connector undone! How long did that take? :D
Heat shield seems to direct heat away from radiator and likely to stop the careless getting mitts burnt. In Scotland there's more salt on the road than on the chips 😂.

Been soaking my nuts with Plusgas, which worked well on the coolant metal pipe bolt. Deep breath, ca' cannie🤞.

Quick connector was painless. Flathead screwdriver gently pushed in, worked round and in to break the seal and eased hose off. Less than 5 mins 👍.

Heat shield seems to direct heat away from radiator and likely to stop the careless getting mitts burnt. In Scotland there's more salt on the road than on the chips 😂.

Been soaking my nuts with Plusgas, which worked well on the coolant metal pipe bolt. Deep breath, ca' cannie🤞.

Quick connector was painless. Flathead screwdriver gently pushed in, worked round and in to break the seal and eased hose off. Less than 5 mins 👍.

think you got lucky with that connector they are usually a bit" awkward!!
Always remember that when you fall on your face your going forward 😂.

Threads look ok on studs with nuts off so 3 new anyway. But the issue is not sure I can source a heat shield. Pause for thought 😇.

Still inclined to "go commando' 😂.
But the issue is not sure I can source a heat shield. Pause for thought 😇.

Small observation, have you removed the air intake pipe from the air box that should poke through the front face?
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