Do you use the City Button

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Do you use the City Button

i drive my GF's mk2 punto sporting all the time but i never use the city steering mode ever. its far too light and the standard mode is easy enough to turn even in carparks. i guess small girls may need it, but i think it was added more as a unique selling point rather than a useful feature. its a pointless gadget, and tbh i like pointless gadgets even the ones i never use. i would much prefer the city button to do the opposite and almost remove all assistance, that would be great!

i drive my GF's mk2 punto sporting all the time but i never use the city steering mode ever. its far too light and the standard mode is easy enough to turn even in carparks. i guess small girls may need it, but i think it was added more as a unique selling point rather than a useful feature. its a pointless gadget, and tbh i like pointless gadgets even the ones i never use. i would much prefer the city button to do the opposite and almost remove all assistance, that would be great!

never thought about it doing the opposite, that would be cool.
I used to use it when getting out of the car park at work, its a really tight bend, and if there are cars coming towards you, it can take a while to get out. However didn't use it for a while as I started going a different way out.

Used it today while going to Tesco and not sure what I prefur.
i havent tried it myself yet. does it make much difference to the steering?

yes, not much though, hard to explain.

it feels lighter at low speeds and heavy over about 30ish with sport on, but we're not talking the differences you would see with a city button, which makes me think its all in my head.

Biggest difference is what happens when your right foot tickles that long thin pedal on the right
i use it. TBH the only time i really use it is on supermarket car parks. I never use it when moving "properly" whats the point:confused:

Also the turning circle on coupe was awful - that car was in need of city button. the steering was more responsive when reversing into a space i never went in front first!