Technical "DNA" Front Suspension Arms Kit.

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Technical "DNA" Front Suspension Arms Kit.

Apr 21, 2012
The Centre

What is the General thoughts about these parts. ?
Would you even consider installing them. ?
what an awesome site - nice to see a firm somewhere that's supporting the Panda with motorsport mods - I'd have everything on that page, but I think I'd need about 10k euros :)

Rear camber plates look interesting, I'm sure you could get some made up cheaply enough, but still good to have them as an 'off the shelf' item.
Rear camber might help fitting wide wheels under the rear arches, I'm test fitting my 7" rims later which should be no issue at all, but do wonder about a staggered set of rims with 8" width on the rears (or even wider).
Rear camber might help fitting wide wheels under the rear arches, I'm test fitting my 7" rims later which should be no issue at all, but do wonder about a staggered set of rims with 8" width on the rears (or even wider).
My 6.5x16" wheels wit offset 35 have only 3-5mm space on the inside at the right rear.
1.5º angle would give problem i reckon.
Off topic, but yeah was surprised how little space there is on the inside with standard 6.5" et35! However, 7" et20 went on the rear fine when I test fit earlier with much more comfortable space on the inside edge. Could go 8" with careful offset choice. Fronts I haven't tested yet.
Why would anyone want to put staggered wheels on a fwd car? Not the smartest move if you care about handling
Why would anyone want to put staggered wheels on a fwd car? Not the smartest move if you care about handling

Not being funny pal, but what the **** is your problem? You seem to support nobody on anything, you'd rather shoot them down like a kid in a playground, including me. Puts everyone off topic, and it's people like you giving the forum a bad rep. You come up time and time again and always have the same **** attitude. No one can win with you. Regards, the guy with the balls to say your a prick.

Sent from my 100HP using FIAT Forum
It's called a discussion forum, don't like it? Go post on facebook.

Yea you are a ****** along with 3 or 4 others. Your either old and forgotten everything you did in your past. Or a kid with a keyboard. Or generally an ******. Pick one! Because it doesn't go unnoticed. You can always improve standard manufacture cars. Whether that's a better flowing filter or exhaust or components. Your a mug if you don'think so either. Tbf I'm glad you think like that because you'll never see any benifits to anything. Because you have a problem with everything. And that gos for the rest of the ******* on Here!!!!
Yea you are a ****** along with 3 or 4 others. Your either old and forgotten everything you did in your past. Or a kid with a keyboard. Or generally an ******. Pick one! Because it doesn't go unnoticed. You can always improve standard manufacture cars. Whether that's a better flowing filter or exhaust or components. Your a mug if you don'think so either. Tbf I'm glad you think like that because you'll never see any benifits to anything. Because you have a problem with everything. And that gos for the rest of the ******* on Here!!!!

Very nice.
Yea you are a ****** along with 3 or 4 others. Your either old and forgotten everything you did in your past. Or a kid with a keyboard. Or generally an ******. Pick one! Because it doesn't go unnoticed. You can always improve standard manufacture cars. Whether that's a better flowing filter or exhaust or components. Your a mug if you don'think so either. Tbf I'm glad you think like that because you'll never see any benifits to anything. Because you have a problem with everything. And that gos for the rest of the ******* on Here!!!!
Ummm ok. You seem to be unaware of the purpose of forums.....

If someone wants to do something then others are free to ask why so that they can understand why this person is doing what they're doing.

Sadly the younger members seem to think that forums are all about being positive and saying nice things rather than questioning, understanding and learning.

I never said all modifications are bad, I just asked why this one was being done. Now if you want to go off like an idiot again then I'll log in on a desktop and report your childish behaviour.
Off topic, but yeah was surprised how little space there is on the inside with standard 6.5" et35!

You're not the only one then that was fondly attached to your lower knuckle skin and waved it goodbye when you chose to spin your rear wheel, with your fingers gripping the inside tyre rim.

Oh yes, quite surprising. And painful.

Posted using blu-tak and the last bit of sellotape
Yea you are a ****** along with 3 or 4 others. Your either old and forgotten everything you did in your past. Or a kid with a keyboard. Or generally an ******. Pick one! Because it doesn't go unnoticed. You can always improve standard manufacture cars. Whether that's a better flowing filter or exhaust or components. Your a mug if you don'think so either. Tbf I'm glad you think like that because you'll never see any benifits to anything. Because you have a problem with everything. And that gos for the rest of the ******* on Here!!!!

Its almost totally impossible to take anyone seriously when they can't spell and/or use correct punctuation.
Its almost totally impossible to take anyone seriously when they can't spell and/or use correct punctuation.

Pretty much. I just wish people would actually read posts rather than seeing a post which doesn't seem outwardly positive and assigning false intentions that simply don't exist.

People who've taken the time to get to know me will understand that I only question things so I can understand and best help people, ir to steer people away from things which will make their cars handle worse or even more seriously, be dangerous.

Fiat are no masters of suspension and handling (the 100hp is a rare case of them getting it right), but they design cars with a certain balance in mind, putting a staggered set of wheels on will spoil that balance.

Why take a car which is widely praised for its handling and make the handling worse?
Yea you are a ****** along with 3 or 4 others. Your either old and forgotten everything you did in your past. Or a kid with a keyboard. Or generally an ******. Pick one! Because it doesn't go unnoticed(1). You can always improve standard manufacture cars. Whether that's a better flowing filter or exhaust or(2) components. Your a mug if you don'think so either. Tbf I'm glad you think like that because you'll never see any benifits to anything. Because you have a problem with everything.(3) And that gos for the rest of the ******* on Here!!!!

1. The Bugatti veyron is a standard manufactured car...explain how YOU could improve it.

2. Every single part of a car is a 'component'.

3. So you have a problem with every single other member on the forum?

And finally.. fitting staggered wheels will make it look like something out of charlton and the wheelies...
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Pretty much. I just wish people would actually read posts rather than seeing a post which doesn't seem outwardly positive and assigning false intentions that simply don't exist.

People who've taken the time to get to know me will understand that I only question things so I can understand and best help people, ir to steer people away from things which will make their cars handle worse or even more seriously, be dangerous.

Fiat are no masters of suspension and handling (the 100hp is a rare case of them getting it right), but they design cars with a certain balance in mind, putting a staggered set of wheels on will spoil that balance.

Why take a car which is widely praised for its handling and make the handling worse?

1. The Bugatti veyron is a standard manufactured car...explain how YOU could improve it.

2. Every single part of a car is a 'component'.

3. So you have a problem with every single other member on the forum?

And finally.. fitting staggered wheels will make it look like something out of charlton and the wheelies...

most of the gammer on that was fine, plus i was on my phone.. anyway. obviously every bit on a car is a component so I'm obviously making a point.

no, you mis-understand, I'm replying to the other ***** on here. theres nothing wrong with staggered wheels, theres many cars with that as standard.

How 'childish' to talk about ME improving the Veyron, you really are a moron, for a start, there has been many derivatives to the Veyron already. lost count in fact of how many of wiki. IF i owned a Veyron, I would pay someone else to improve it for me like many many people already have. you need to go read something or watch something because you obviously don't know... Some one like me, will always learn and listen to other people. But I'm not going to listen to old fart who thinks he is the **** and that he's right and every bodies wrong.

As i was saying, this is nothing to do with age as to be honest, many of you talk like your a bunch of kids. I couldn't give a flying monkey if you think that of me. Im just telling you how we feel as a forum. Completely ruined it for about 50 of us!!!

Im not talking directly too just you two btw I'm talking to another 4 people on here.
most of the gammer on that was fine, plus i was on my phone.. anyway. obviously every bit on a car is a component so I'm obviously making a point.

no, you mis-understand, I'm replying to the other ***** on here. theres nothing wrong with staggered wheels, theres many cars with that as standard.

How 'childish' to talk about ME improving the Veyron, you really are a moron, for a start, there has been many derivatives to the Veyron already. lost count in fact of how many of wiki. IF i owned a Veyron, I would pay someone else to improve it for me like many many people already have. you need to go read something or watch something because you obviously don't know... Some one like me, will always learn and listen to other people. But I'm not going to listen to old fart who thinks he is the **** and that he's right and every bodies wrong.

As i was saying, this is nothing to do with age as to be honest, many of you talk like your a bunch of kids. I couldn't give a flying monkey if you think that of me. Im just telling you how we feel as a forum. Completely ruined it for about 50 of us!!!

Im not talking directly too just you two btw I'm talking to another 4 people on here.
