Better classifieds integration

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Better classifieds integration

Note: It's only in early beta now as I'm hungry and don't have time to smart it up and make it look pretty ;)

But hopefully now we have got around the issue of people complaining no one looks inside the classifieds - basically, when you go to a forum listing now (which has a tied in classifieds section) - the latest 15 ads of each bit (for sale, parts, wanted) will be shown down the right hand side.

At the moment it's just a list, but any suggestions on how to make it look better please post here.

Basically though, no one has ANY excuse not to use the classifieds now as EVERYONE who browses the forum in question will see them :p

(Oh and if you can't see it, you've probably turned on the right hand bar in your user control panel)

Lol in the time it took for this entry to get posted, I've had a good muck around with it (I can always eat later) ... haha ...

I think it's ok now - it has made me realise though I need to split some sections up (New Bravo, Classic 500 etc etc)
I always get logged out in the Classifieds section :-/ But I like the idea. :)