Amazing 3d street artist

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Amazing 3d street artist


this is where i stand
Oct 8, 2003
I dunno if this has been posted before, but GeX forwarded this to me:

Julian Beever is an english artist who’s famous for his art on the pavement of england, France, germany, usa, australia and belgium. It’s particularity ? Beever gives to his drawing an anamorphose, his images are drawn completely diforms which give a 3D image when viewing on the righ angle … see for yourself it’s amazing !!!


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:eek: OMG that is amazing...
wish i could do stuff like that!
VERY cool :cool:
they are absolutly incredible, the guy is a genius. I want to go see some of his work now, and i think its the first artist i've ever wanted to go see their work!
arc said:
they are absolutly incredible, the guy is a genius. I want to go see some of his work now, and i think its the first artist i've ever wanted to go see their work!

:yeahthat: ****ing incredible. Shame they don't last long :(
Love that sort of thing. I'm a sucker for anything really clever. Escher for example. But this guy is awesome. Wonder how he does it, you reckon he just scales up in one dimension in his mind or is there some technology involved?

E.g. it would be pretty simple to set up a camera at head height on a tripod and relay the image to a screen near the actual drawing, referencing the screen as you go. That's just how I'd go about it... coz I have no discernible drawing talent. He's probably good enough to just go for it. Coolio.
I've seen a few things like that before....probably the same guy. Amazing stuff :eek:
Wow, that is some seriously mind boggling talent. Thanks for sharing! :D (y)
If you look at the pic of with the will notice they are two different pics. However i'm not saying its fake, as i've seen a few more pics of those. He seems to like that picture. But they are not the same one!

Both pics are on a different scale!
Ah, perhaps he has a repertoire then. I know if I were to even attempt something like this I would need to stick a photo in the old computer, stretch by x2 in one direction and attach a grid. I suppose if you then imagine the grid on the pavement (or even use the paving slabs) it's then not too difficult to do.

Like when I was a kid using a grid to scale up my favourite cartoon pics to make posters.
actually they arent a different scale at all, have a look at the blocks that make up the pool, they cover the same ammount of area!!!

the reason the leg is bigger is cause the pic only works at a certain angle, to give it the impression that it is 3d... it is a trick of the eye!

dont know if u have ever seen a rudgy game with what look like billboards either side of the posts, they look like they are standing up, but are in fact painted flat on the ground.

when lookin at certain shadows an shapes our eye had trouble preciving depth, which cause the 3d effect of the paintings!

takes an increadible ammount of skill to understand the angles needed to make the painting work! :worship:
Yeah, but if you look at the colour of the pavement around the pic. And count the pavement blocks on the length of the leg you will see they are different pics. I'm not doubting the authenticity of it. I'm just saying they are different pcis. I have seen his website, and its is damn good!! Gotta say there is a lot of skill!!
Vimto2000 said:
Yeah, but if you look at the colour of the pavement around the pic. And count the pavement blocks on the length of the leg you will see they are different pics. I'm not doubting the authenticity of it. I'm just saying they are different pcis. I have seen his website, and its is damn good!! Gotta say there is a lot of skill!!

(y) cant argue with that mate... very well noticed, in the pic on the right the pavment that the leg is drawn on is not even made from the same material as the pavement on the left! :eek:

so yea, totally argee with u know i noticed it, same pic, but not taken at the same place!