Reasonably Easy, just a few screws and bolts to undo only trouble is the one underneath the wheel arch.

Should take about half an hour tops.

You Will Need:

  1. 8mm Spanner
  2. Phillips ScrewDriver
  3. Torx Pieces (Not sure what size!)
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  4. Jack
  5. Axel Stands
  6. Wheel Brace

Step 1

Remove the screws from underneath the bumper first using a size 8mm spanner. There's 4 of them.
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Step 2

Jack up the car, placing axel stands underneath for safety.
Remove the wheel using wheel brace.
Now remove two screws from the plastic wheel guard there on the side closest to the bumper.
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With that done, peel back the plastic to reveal another torx bolt to remove and another 8mm bolt as seen in the picture.
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Repeat this for the other side of the car.

Step 3

Finally remove the torx screws which is all thats holding the bumper in place. These are found along the top half of the bumper within the boot.
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Step 4

Thats it your done! Now do what you need with the bumper, in my case it was trying to remove a huge dent in the thing using a hair dryer lol - Which worked as good as it could of.

Good Luck!

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