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Apr 17, 2009
Has anyone heard of Waxybox yet? Well waxybox is the car care enthusiasts exciting equivalent of those dull subscription magazines that constantly advertised on the tv which will cost you an arm and a leg to complete the collection. However there is no contract and each month is a surprise package of product miniatures which have been tried and tested by the enthusiast who set-up the venture. May waxybox is the 8th month they have been running, with an original quota of 400 boxes, they sold out early and made-up an additional 100 boxes which also sold out again before the end of the month. Purchasing monthly is £15.00 (£2.99 1st Class P&P) or FREE 2nd Class in June and includes 1x premium 15ml Carnauba Wax, 5x 50ml product miniatures, detailing accessories, other waxybox goodies and waxyshop discounts.

I purchased one of the 100 boxes from the back end of the month, taking advantage of the FREE postage and having it delivered 2nd class post. So what do you get, Nanolex Trim Rejuvenator, Carchem Clarity Glass Cleaner, Angelwax AnGel Interior Dressing, Rejex Polymer Polish and Wolfs White Satin Shampoo. We also enclosed a 15ml development wax (#008), a sachet of Candy Gloss, A Microfibre, an air freshener, a detailing swab, a luxury foam applicator pad, a random pick sticker (or 2 if you choose 1st class) and product info cards.


There was a random choice between Wolfs White Satin Shampoo or Prima Slick QD. On the product info cards there is a bit about the product, supplier and cost. In this months box, the 50ml Nanolex Trim Rejuvenator costs £15.00 on it's own! meaning all the other products were effectively free :D


I haven't had chance to use the products yet, the sample wax pot smells divine, looking forward to getting a chance to use them. Dependant on how often you wash your car, there is a good chance the products will last a month. Using the Wolfs White Satin Shampoo at 500:1 (water:product) should see the shampoo last 5 washes.

I'll update the thread with feedback on the products once I've used them, waxybox are offering FREE postage again in June if anyone fancies trying it, I know I'll be buying another.

Waxybox can be found at www.waxybox.co.uk, Facebook, twitter and instagram
Well I've been out tonight for a good wee while using some of this months waxybox products.

First up was Wolfs Chemicals - White Satin Shampoo, whilst it can be diluted upto 1500:1, it's recommended at 500:1 so using 5l water and 10ml of product using the 2 bucket method I was able to thoroughly wash the X3 and Polo with plenty fresh wash water that would have done at least another 2/3 cars easily. I'm going to reduce down to 2.5l:5ml next wash and see how it fairs. The wash pad i use glided over the panels leaving them clean and when rinsed off drying each panel was exceedingly easy compared to other shampoos I've used.

Next Up was CarChem - Clarity Glass Cleaner & Polish, this is easily the best glass polish i've used in terms of application with no smearing or residue. Will just have to see how well it performs with morning dew and when it rains on both the X3 & Polo.


Old style bottle on left, New bottle of CarChem Clarity

I then used CorrosionX - Rejex Paint & Alloy Polymer Polish on the roof and bootlid of the Polo. This was a very easy on product, but found it a little tough to buff off. Whether this was because I left it on too long or it was too hot I'm not sure. Used very little from the bottle so will either be able to do the whole car, but will be doing the X3 alloys with it very soon and see how it performs then.


CorrosionX Rejex with new Meguiars MF applicator pad

Having cleaned the paint work on the roof and boot, I applied the waxybox #008 sample wax pot. This seemed a hard wax to touch, but was nice and easy to apply and buff off and smelt absolutely divine! Again, once I've time to cleanse the whole car I'll apply more of the #008 wax and will try a 50/50 with the candy gloss sample and see if there is a noticeable difference.


15ml waxybox #008 sample wax with supplied high density applicator pad available to buy in waxyshop

To finish up, I done all the external plastics with the Nanolex - Trim Rejuvenator. Applied very easily and didn't use very much of it, the plastics did as expected look newer, but will see how it fairs over the next few days. When I do the huge X3 plastic bumpers, it's bound to use a substantial about.


What's left after doing all the plastics on the Polo


What's left after doing the roof and boot, barely used any.

Some after shots,




Ooh and Gill decided the included air freshener smelled good so has claimed it for herself


Still to try the Angelwax - AnGel Interior Dressing, that's a weekend job i hope :ph34r:
I'm ordering June box on Monday, love the concept and think its worth the money. Don't think I'll get through most of those products in 1 month so they will slowly build up for future.

The folk that run it fully interact with their customers through instagram, twitter and Facebook looking for future suggestions and feedback of the products, but do keep the contents of the box close to their chest until delivery day.
jatkinson said:
get a deal on two boxes ?

na, am sure they only do club discounts of 10+ boxes. I got itchy feet and bought mine today, also paid the £1.50 for 1st class delivery, earlier despatch and extra sticker.
If we can get over 10 interested in the waxybox group buy, we'll get a £5 reduction making each box £10 +£2.99 delivery against £17.99 direct.

no one interested?
If we can get over 10 interested in the waxybox group buy, we'll get a £5 reduction making each box £10 +£2.99 delivery against £17.99 direct.

no one interested?
Is waxy box still trading and are folks still getting boxes delivered?, can't find it on web. Cheers Jim
This used to be a thing by wax addict and they gave it up it was really good I had about 5 or 6 boxes if your looking for any car cleaning stuff I personally recommend infinity wax and you can use my code callum20 to get some money off