General Fiat uno roof lining

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General Fiat uno roof lining

UNO Portugal

New member
Nov 29, 2023
I have a 1991 uno 60s, done the outside of the car and need to do up the inside. The roof lining has rust spots all over it.
Apart from trying to find a clean one to fit what is the best way to get rid of the stains . Recover it with cloth? Paint it? I think i will need to seal it so the rust does not come back once done.
car inside roof (2022_05_14 12_28_05 UTC).JPG


  • car roof 2 (2022_05_14 12_28_05 UTC).JPG
    car roof 2 (2022_05_14 12_28_05 UTC).JPG
    422.2 KB · Views: 37
Hi, 🙂
32 years have left their mark..

These ideas are more about masking it.. But all options

Looking at the spots then I don't think they are rust but a damp / mold /fungus stains.

To be sure you can easily remove the roof light and gently pull the roof liner down to get s look at the inside of the roof metal panelling and check for corrosion.

Instead of removing and relining the whole interior roof panel you could try a three/four stage paint/sppay process

1) Gently dry brush the panel to remove any excess mold. No so hard as to fluff up the fabric
2) Paint/spray with a mold stopping/cleaning agent. Allow to dry
3) Paint/spary with a Fabric Paint
4) Paint/spary with a fabric waterproofer/sealer - This is Optional

If you don't get any decent results then appart from a little time and material cost you have not lost anything and you can look at having it relined.

With the frabric paint you may have to do several coats to cover up the spots.
I must say I've never attempted what I suggested but I see no reason why it would not achieve acceptible results. The reason I suggested it is that often it is the roof lining that drops away and sags from the roof card. Looking at your roof lining it seems well attached.

Our 130TC's vinyle lining dropped so needed to be replaced. Getting the roof card out was fairly easy but when the trimmer started to remove the fabric then the card had pits and crevaces that needed filling to be able to get that smooth finish even with a padded lining. We now have a fabric velor lining as we could not find an original/near original replacement material.