Technical Car Completely Died ...... Now Fine ..... Any Thoughts?

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Technical Car Completely Died ...... Now Fine ..... Any Thoughts?

Mar 10, 2024
New Malden, London
Hi everyone,
I bought an Abarth 595 and drove it back from Birmingham to Kingston upon Thames. Got most of the way home no problem at all and then All the dash lights came on and the car died (on the motorway!).

Luckily I was travelling at [undisclosed] mph so had enough momem=ntum to continue to one of the few remaining bits of hard shoulder (why on earth are they removing them!?). Had to wait 4 hours for RAC. Hazard lights lasted about 2 hours so i dont know if this was something to do with not charging enough.

I got it home and battery was almost dead. I gave it a full charge and started no problem. It works fine now and I left it sitting for a month and battery is still full. I dont want it doing that again. The Diagnostics showed dozens of faults of course becausebattery had died and trigered everything to fault. After clearing faults it now shows no fault at all. I drove it for a while and still no fault showing.
Any ideas anyone?