What's made you smile today?

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What's made you smile today?

Makes me sad to hear that.
I mentioned a short time ago, that there was a French registered Dacia in Tesco car park, apparently abandoned.
After a few weeks, there was a notice on the screen, an "Order of Destruction".
Yesterday, it was gone.

That makes me sad.
Someone travelled to this country, for their car to break down, and without the wherewithal to repatriate it, or mend it here. Not a happy visit.
On the other hand, I'm still puzzled how it got to Tesco, in Swindon. Not normally a holiday destination. If passing on the M4, with a failing car, it is a bit of a trek to get to Tesco. Unless they nursed it there to get some shopping, and it broke.
Still sad.
If it had been a Fiat, I might have tried to contact the owner.
I mentioned a short time ago, that there was a French registered Dacia in Tesco car park, apparently abandoned.
After a few weeks, there was a notice on the screen, an "Order of Destruction".
Yesterday, it was gone.

That makes me sad.
Someone travelled to this country, for their car to break down, and without the wherewithal to repatriate it, or mend it here. Not a happy visit.
On the other hand, I'm still puzzled how it got to Tesco, in Swindon. Not normally a holiday destination. If passing on the M4, with a failing car, it is a bit of a trek to get to Tesco. Unless they nursed it there to get some shopping, and it broke.
Still sad.
If it had been a Fiat, I might have tried to contact the owner.
Maybe some one nicked it in France to drive to Swindon. On a smaller scale, near me people used to steal dingy's to get across the river late after a night out and ferry had stopped , nice thieves used to tie them up, others left them to drift out to sea:(.
It takes all sorts, on a much smaller scale, whilst working at a friends garage, as the salesman was out a couple asked for a roadtest of a vehicle, it was pouring with rain and they suggested the route of a mile or so up some hills, at the top they said "stop here", they then walked off to their house having had a free lift home!!!:mad:
The parkign on our street is erratic. There are a few that are always here, but the temporary additions seem to come in groups. We've had a couple of weeks of a full street, but now for two days, it is nearly empty.

With the departure of the untaxed Skoda, leaving a prominent space, my Panda looked exposed. Used it to go shopping yesterday, and on return, drove past, turned around, trundled back down the hill to choose where to park in the abnormally large space available. Came to a stop, and thought, "what was in this space earlier". It took a few moments, until the answer popped up. Me! Made me laugh anyway.
I meant to look out for that last night but fell asleep! I see Edinburgh Live has pictures of it on their site this morning which looks pretty good. I believe it may be visible again tonight? Must try again tonight! A number of years ago we were lucky enough to see them at the North Cape in Norway - it would be nice to get the chance to compare.
We had cloud cover in N. Illannoy last night. We even took Buster in the truck and drove west after 10pm, but no luck. Maybe tonight.
While this is absolutely true..if memory serves there's quite a few things that make it an unlikely way to steal a car.

We have them at work (I've had one demonstrated at one point) and the hoops you have to jump through to have them is insane, the software is on a rolling license from VW, the laptop is kept in a safe in the van.

For full dealer diagnosis level software it would be cheaper to buy a Scala than the laptop and software licenses needed to steal one.

Obviously there may be cracked versions out there by now that do similar..but if you have the stuff it's probably more profitable to charge people 100 quid an hour to plug it in and chase spurious electrical faults.
Thanks, that's very reassuring. Mind you, I dare say a mid level spec'd Scala is not going to be at the top of most car thieves "desirable" list?
Thanks, that's very reassuring. Mind you, I dare say a mid level spec'd Scala is not going to be at the top of most car thieves "desirable" list?
a lot of car theft is being driven by parts availability issues, and desirability of certain makes and models. There are not too many people stealing middle spec VWs Seats Skodas or even audis as parts are always available and they are often models that can be bought easily around the world.
Always wanted to see the northern lights...to the point I nearly arranged a trip to Norway in the middle of winter to see them.

However standing out the back of the house..on a pleasantly warm night in may and..

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Today turned out to be the most productive day I've had in quite a while. :)

About 10 years ago I "rescued" a couple of trough planters and built a tiered display for them out of off cuts of decking. Last year I noticed a fair amount of rot in the timber so knew something would have to be done this year. I decided to dismantle most of it and rebuild using some of the timber I've got stored for a "rainy day". Getting the rusty screws out of the bits of wood I wanted to reuse without damaging the wood was what took the most time then cutting back to good wood and letting in new bits and replacing the bracing. Started around 10am and finished approx 3pm. Looks pretty good I think:


On reflection I'd have probably been better to just scrap the lot and make a new one but I think what I've got now should do a few more years and I got a lot of satisfaction out of doing it!

I also have 3 half whisky barrels which I use as planters and they are also in poor condition but I don't think I'll try to repair them.

By the time I'd painted it, filled the troughs with compost, planted the plants and tidied away my tools it was coming on for 4.30 pm and I was feeling pretty tired. Then the internal door from the garage to the house opened and Mrs J said "Patrick's at the door, he's got car problems, it's gone "twang". I like Patrick, he's a fireman and lives 3 doors up the street from me - gave me a lot of cost cutting info when the new law about fire alarms came in and came round and showed me the best places to site the alarms. So I went up the street with him to his house and right away I could see that his old Mercedes looked to be sitting down at the N/S/R. I'd already decided that a broken spring was most likely from what he was describing to me as we walked up the street. Anyway a quick look under the rear didn't really confirm anything apart from that the N/S/R spring looked absolutely fine. "It made the "Twang" as I reversed out over the pavement onto the road" he said - so I'm thinking, there would have been a fair amount of suspension movement doing that. "I'm sure the "Twang" was from the driver side rear he said. Ok, let's take a look. At first glance all seemed well but then I realized the distance from one coil to the next was greater than on the N/S so it looked like a spring which was a bit extended. That's strange.

The rear suspension on these is independent with the bottom of the spring located in a recessed spring pan - so you can't see the bottom couple of spring coils. The top of the spring looked fine. Ok, break out the trolley jack, Patrick carried it down the street (I'm no fool and he's young and fit!) His driveway is block paved so more than stable enough for jacking although the joints in the pavers is annoying. Located the jack - difficult because of the plastic undertrays all over the place - and got to work with my very old 14 inch Britool powerbar. Damn, not a hope, had to nip home and get "big bertha", who is a 600mm Clarke Pro power bar (Machine Mart's best, and very good it is too) Had to stand on the handle to break the bolts loose!

Oh well, that has to be the worst over doesn't it? But no! The wheel is not for moving off the hub! seized solid with corrosion - the usual of course, alloy wheels on steel hubs. Took a bit over 10 minutes with a club hammer and a bit of 2by4 to protect the wheel. It gave up in the end but it was a stubborn one. Foolishly perhaps, I've said I'll help him get the other 3 off at some time in the summer and clean up the corrosion before refitting with some ceramic anti seize grease - I may live to regret that. Anyway, once the wheel was off it could be seen the last few inches of the spring had broken off and was now lodged in the bottom of the spring cup. But hold on, you'd thing that would let the car ride lower on that corner wouldn't you? Usually it will too, but, unfortunately for him, in this instance the bottom of the spring, now missing about half a turn, has moved in the spring pan and is sitting on the rim of the pan rather than in it thus pushing the body up an inch or so compared to where it would be if the spring was properly located in the pan recess.

So, new spring needed and, sorry fella, but I'm now to old and decrepit to do it for you. Looks like you could probably do it by taking the inner arm pivot bolt out and letting the arm swing down on the hub - if there's not too much spring extension. That inner pivot looks like it's a camber adjusting scroll bolt too and it's a steel sleeved rubber "metalastic" type bush on a pretty old car - bet it's rusted in? Been caught out too often with this sort of thing, only too pleased to make it someone else's problem!

Luckily Patrick wasn't expecting me to offer to do it and was delighted to know exactly what was wrong and what it might take to sort it out. Also took my advice not to drive the car as, if the spring jumped right out of the lower arm, that jagged broken end is just waiting to go through the tyre sidewall!

I've suggested a couple of the small garages in the area who I know won't rip him off but he tells me he's been using "Click Mechanic" for repairs to his wife's elderly Kia and they've been very good so he's going to try them for this. I'd not heard of them but I think it's maybe a franchised mobile mechanic type setup? I'll be asking him how it pans out when I do those wheels soon. I'm worried that a repair like this on a vehicle with the three pointed star on it's bonnet may be a license to print money? Anyway, time will tell.
Today turned out to be the most productive day I've had in quite a while. :)

About 10 years ago I "rescued" a couple of trough planters and built a tiered display for them out of off cuts of decking. Last year I noticed a fair amount of rot in the timber so knew something would have to be done this year. I decided to dismantle most of it and rebuild using some of the timber I've got stored for a "rainy day". Getting the rusty screws out of the bits of wood I wanted to reuse without damaging the wood was what took the most time then cutting back to good wood and letting in new bits and replacing the bracing. Started around 10am and finished approx 3pm. Looks pretty good I think:
Should be fine once you get those weeds out.;););)
Very conventionally unexciting I'm afraid. Geraniums, Petunias and Lobelia Makes lots of colour and flowers for most of the summer though.
I wish my plants were that advanced. Stuff has only just strted to move. Everythings a month behind. As you say a fairly simple display, but usually very effective at giving a great blast of colour. Good stuff.
I wish my plants were that advanced. Stuff has only just strted to move. Everythings a month behind. As you say a fairly simple display, but usually very effective at giving a great blast of colour. Good stuff.
No great secret to it. I just do a trip out round all the big supermarkets around us - Lidl, Aldi, Morrisons, Tesco, Asda and others. Being in a big city I'm spoilt for choice and they're all within "spitting" distance. This year they're getting "clever" with the compost, some in 20 litre bags, some in 40 litre and some in 50 with different offers like 3 for price of 2 or 2 for £12 in the case of B&M's 50 litre bags. When you sit down and work it out though they all worked out at the same price per litre! Plants came from Morrisons and Asda this year with me arriving at Asda just as a big delivery was being loaded onto the outside shelving. They were the only one who had Lobelia but no trailing lobelia anywhere unfortunately. Like the trailing stuff in my hanging basket.

Edit. Only thing I find with the supermarkets is that they often don't tend the plants very well. Failing to water adequately and often enough is common. However there are some bargains out there - you just need to look carefully at the individual plants before buying.
We had cloud cover in N. Illannoy last night. We even took Buster in the truck and drove west after 10pm, but no luck. Maybe tonight.
About that drive...Mrs.Cheest complained a bit about last nights traffic. I finally told her that it was Friday night and that a lot of people actually go out on Friday night to meet with friends and have fun. They don't sit at home and watch 70s TV show reruns.

I managed to stop myself before I said 'like you do'.:censored:
About that drive...Mrs.Cheest complained a bit about last nights traffic. I finally told her that it was Friday night and that a lot of people actually go out on Friday night to meet with friends and have fun. They don't sit at home and watch 70s TV show reruns.

I managed to stop myself before I said 'like you do'.:censored:
Just as well..... lol
About that drive...Mrs.Cheest complained a bit about last nights traffic. I finally told her that it was Friday night and that a lot of people actually go out on Friday night to meet with friends and have fun. They don't sit at home and watch 70s TV show reruns.

I managed to stop myself before I said 'like you do'.:censored:
Very wise. It's a great gift to know when to just keep your mouth shut!
Well now...

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Poor beavertail transit it'll be well over weight under that load of scrap.
Some police forces are massively cracking down on this loads of beaver tail conversion are not fit for purpose, some are flat beds that have inherented the tail from some older van that failed it’s MOT, so some are really not even fit to carry anything above a ton.

Then on top of that many drivers are not actually licensed above 3 1/2tons so many are driving over loaded and unlicensed
This particular one is even better being a double cab.

Pretty much anything bigger than a Fiat Panda and it's gonna be overweight.

Although it's nice the advert insinuation that he's paid a max of 5 grand for a Facelift discovery sport 🤣