Technical No Heat?

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Technical No Heat?


Established member
Jan 17, 2006
My 1300 is currently SORN and has done very little mileage over the past couple of years (sub 100 to be precise!) I start it monthly and run every couple.
Noticed last time I ran it that although the car reaches normal temp gauge reading and runs fine theres no heat from the heater? I'm sure the previous time it ran it was fine? As the gauge indicates normal reading I'm presuming the Thermostat is ok..... Temp heater blockage perhaps? I'll see what happens next start but is there anything notable that could cause this? Hopefully a heat cycle will cure any blockage......
I'm going a little bit on faith here as I've never had a road legal 1300 - only 1500s but if you look under the dashboard just to the right of the centre console and left of the steering wheel you will find the heater control valve. The cable that controls it should be pretty obvious too. You should be able to operate the valve directly without using the cable. Try it at both extremes of the movement range and see if the heater works at one of those settings.

If it is always cold regardless then there is a blockage - if however it warms up (I can't remember which settings is which on the valve) then the problem is likely to be the operating cable is either disconnected at one end or snapped.

If the valve refuses to move I think you can safely say you've found your problem anyway...
Cheers for the advice Jim - The valve is moving and the cable intact but I moved manually through the extremes and that combined with a heat soak from the last startup seem to have done the trick! I think the Cooling system generally needs a drain anyway as shes been SORN for some time. Another lesson in the dangers of lack of use!