Off Topic window skoosher both broke

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Off Topic window skoosher both broke

Jul 10, 2012
Has anyone ever had any windscreen skoosher break. I had the driver side one go last week when it started dribbling screenwash out so I had a look and noticed the three little holes that are in the other one weren't there. Replaced it and on my way home from work I noticed the passenger side one has the same and I will have to replace that too. Anyone had the same problem?
That's it guys. Nit pick that will help. What the heck do you call it then.

I take it you did't read my reply properly.

It says what they are called and give you a link to a thread with 350 posts all talking about the problem you have.

You may want to re read it and click the link..
I am having a bit of a problem with my puffbrooom puffbrooom on my car.
In the morning when it'd cold lots of smoke/steam comes out of it but when the car warms up it is OK.

It looks a bit like this
I am having a bit of a problem with my puffbrooom puffbrooom on my car.
In the morning when it'd cold lots of smoke/steam comes out of it but when the car warms up it is OK.

It looks a bit like this

How dare you pollute the earth with your 'smoking'!
I am having a bit of a problem with my puffbrooom puffbrooom on my car.
In the morning when it'd cold lots of smoke/steam comes out of it but when the car warms up it is OK.

It looks a bit like this

That's not smoke or steam, that's flumpoons.
another thing my tick tock in my car was always a bit slow but since I changed my soundmachine to a mapmusic machine it has been spot on.