Where to buy Engine Oil ?

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Where to buy Engine Oil ?

Mar 21, 2011
Hi All well the people who see this anyway :)

Non fiat question, where is a good place to by reasonable priced synthetic engine oil, it's for the RAV4 to top up, halfords, Tesco, Costco ?? Got the last 5 ltr from Screwfix from all the places.

I've always used Halfords stuff.

Friend works for Halfrauds - he says its just rebottles Castrol Oil (i think it was castrol)
Eitherway Halfords Oil is decent stuff :)

I had my last lot of oil from Asda Direct (4x 4L @ £10 Ea)
But had oil from Auto Shops
DIY stores
Oil is oil, as long as it meets regulations and is changed regulary its no issue :)

... where is a good place to by reasonable priced synthetic engine oil, it's for the RAV4 to top up, halfords, Tesco, Costco ?? Got the last 5 ltr from Screwfix from all the places.

Topping-up with the same spec of oil as is already in the sump would seem reasonable.
What did Screwfix supply?

Check the oil spec given in the OH – then check that it’s up-to-date.
(Oil specs move-on over time).

Caravadossi, I can't recall what brand was from Screwfix, I was picking some building stuff for the props and saw the synthetic oil - it was just to top-up the 10 yr old Rav.

Thanks for all the replies, appreciate it. We are at Costco in a few days, actually I should try to avoid Costco, always end up spending more than expected, taking the 500 does not help as it still packs in loads :eek: