General the Lego 850 assistance thread

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General the Lego 850 assistance thread

dante giacosa

Jan 2, 2011
Going North on the A9...
with apologies to Gav, for hijacking his own, somewhat more legitimate thread.

After two weeks of building my Lego 850, I thought I had nailed the engine, gearbox, rear trailing-arms, engine bay (outline) and rear wheel arches, only to discover that proportionally; my wheels are going to be too small.

Wheel choice in Lego is available; but I'm not sure I can get a bigger size; I'll need to look into it.

The problem is one of scale. I type to ask if anyone on the 850 community is generous enough to have their car and a tape measure to hand, in order to record several key dimensions for me, which will enable me to scale what I have.

I need the depth and width of the engine bay.

and I need the diameter of a road wheel across the middle (obviously) from tread to tread.

The road wheel one is arguably more important, as it allows me develop a K-factor to scale the other sizes from relative to the wheels I have.

After a 'pulling of focus' on what I have done, following this information; I shall post some pictures for your amusement.

thankyou for your help

Hi Gav

Can you narrow the field a bit, please confirm which 850 model you are looking for the dimensions for and even which series within each model if you can.


Hey Tim,

Thanks for your reply (I'm Jim, not Gav)

I hadn't settled on a specific body above the sills, yet- but if you had to push me; I'd be going for a Sport Coupe maybe series 1 or 3.

I had 'imagined' that the engine bay and wheel size was essentially the same across the variants. Perhaps that's wrong.

Thanks for your help

Hi Jim

I have a series one 850 coupe in white and should be able to help with dimensions etc, guessing cm or mm is helpfull

I would guess most floorpan/suspension/ workings dimensions are the same until you get out to the seams of the cills and front/rear panels, it does help at the moment in that its on a lift ramp at the moment 4 foot in the air so underneath photos are an option.

the standard cars generally used three different wheel sizes
saloon 4x12
coupe and spider s1 4.5x13
coupe and spider s2/3 and saloon special 5x13
lets not go into the moretti/vignale/lombardi but they generally were the same as the model they are based on.

Hope this helps

Hi Tim,

Thanks for replying.

I'm good for underbody pictures as it stands- I've got an '850 file' going back about ten years with various bits of info in.

Those rim & 'J' sizes are useful certainly, but I still need a dimension in cm or mm for the diameter tread-to-tread of a wheel with tyre on.

If I can get that; everything else just works out.
hey jim,

i used to be a big lego guy and am now looking into the 850 coupe, it would be awesome if i could see some pictures of this model, and so i could maybe make my own...

thanks, ollie