Technical The engine fiat ducato has passed to extra earnings at a factory

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Technical The engine fiat ducato has passed to extra earnings at a factory

Feb 1, 2010
The engine fiat ducato has passed to extra earnings at a factory???????

The engine fiat ducato has passed to extra earnings at a factory or the first kms to me прикатывать if yes that how many km?????
Doesn't get any easier by double translating it.

"Fiat Ducato engine switched to additional income at the factory or in the first km of me rolled down, if so, how many km"

My guess it warranty length or service intervals?
обкатывать авто нужно???
или двигатель прошел обкатку на заводе?????
Купив Ауди А6, новую, прочитал в руководстве к ней, что первые 1500 км не рекомендуется ездить быстрее 3/4 максимальной скорости
а как у fiat ducato?????
To run in авто it is necessary???
Or the engine has passed обкатку at a factory????? Having bought Audi А6, new, has read through in a management to it, that the first 1500 km it is not recommended to go more quickly 3/4 maximal speeds

And how at fiat ducato?????

ahhhh he is asking if the engine is factory run in or requires a running in period