while taking my mates car for a run after jump starting it, his car started over heating, me driving because he hasn't passed his test.
steam everywhere and water all over the road, went to the garage, the women there gave us a watering can to fill the car and try and get home.
while doing that a nice couple walking their dog got talking to me and my mate, on about cars for a bit, he thought the HG was gone on the car, so do i TBH.
he offered to take us home and leave the car at their house, till we could tow it but i decided it would get their, it did get home, temp light all the way as well as water light, big POPP as we pulled up at his house water everywhere again, don't know what it is.
as for the car......... it's a seicento sporting lol
steam everywhere and water all over the road, went to the garage, the women there gave us a watering can to fill the car and try and get home.
while doing that a nice couple walking their dog got talking to me and my mate, on about cars for a bit, he thought the HG was gone on the car, so do i TBH.
he offered to take us home and leave the car at their house, till we could tow it but i decided it would get their, it did get home, temp light all the way as well as water light, big POPP as we pulled up at his house water everywhere again, don't know what it is.
as for the car......... it's a seicento sporting lol