So what's going to happen to all our radios!!

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So what's going to happen to all our radios!!


New member
Aug 27, 2008
With the UK government going to turn off the radio waves and everything will have to be digital, what are our options to update are cars with the right equipment? Especially if you have blue and me which works with the radio.
Given that many commercial broadcasters are going back to analogue, the problems with reception and the general lack of interest with the public it is doubtful that the nation will switch to DAB at all. By 2015 even if the public are on board the DAB standard will be completely obsolete - indeed better systems are already avaliable.
DAB is crap for portable audio, it was crap when i got a DAB tuner years ago (anyone else have a psion wavefinder?), so i can't see it sticking.
Considering the TV side of it, Digital TV has been around for years & became pretty much "the norm" years ago + id say 70% of people use there Sky/Cable as there main source for TV which has been digital since mid-late 1990s i believe

And they still delayed the Digital TV switch-over a few times + still cause drama about weather its really going to happen or not etc, I think its been accepted now even though its not going to affect anyone in reality, only people its going to affect are the ones that dont haven't bought a TV in the past 3 years or don't have Sky/Cable or refuse to shell out £12 for a freeview box... id say that's a pretty small number.

So, the fact 90% of people still have Analogue car radios & those few people who have radios laying around the house are analogue, and people with stereos unless purchased recently are analogue + digital radio coverage is lacking, i don't see a digital radio switch over coming in the next 5 years.

I'm sure we'll all be trading in our cars in for 2020's scrapage bonus scheme before we have to worry about a digital radio switch-over.
I'm sure we'll all be trading in our cars in for 2020's scrapage bonus scheme before we have to worry about a digital radio switch-over.
I have to agree.

I've had a quick head-count of radios my house (from the naffest 1.99 tuner job with headphones to standard radios in the bathroom and garage).

I have six. Multiply that by a the 20 million households and 26 million cars and you can see that there is no way the analogue system can be switched off before I draw my pension.

Edit: forgot the clock radios in the bedrooms! Add another 2 to my total.

Frankly, I would have thought the government would have bigger issues to sort out.
I think I have 1 DAB radio, and one FM/AM radio. Only ever use the DAB in the kitchen to listen to Kerrang. The FM/AM is in a cupboard.

All 3 cars have FM/AM radios but don't expect to still have the Bravo and Croma in 5 years time. The Tipo will be getting burried with me, not that I'm bothered about it's radio much since I can't really hear it over the engine :D :D :D