Shenzo said:It's not a Cinquecento it's Seicento, i don't know if they have simular systems.
The car has done 64,000. I checked the oil and it looked horible and black. My brother told me their isn't that much to it. Is there any guides or anything on here, i've done a search and come up with nothing.
Shenzo said:It's not a Cinquecento it's Seicento, i don't know if they have simular systems.
The car has done 64,000. I checked the oil and it looked horible and black. My brother told me their isn't that much to it. Is there any guides or anything on here, i've done a search and come up with nothing.
Shenzo said:Ok i'll buy a manual where do i get the haynes cinq manual?
My dad says the cambelt it weak and feels very loose, and so did my mechanic say it needs changing I don't think the previous owner took good care for the car but listen. what do you think I paid £620 for a 1998 Seicento with 3 months Tax 64, 000 miles alloys, cd player, but the thing is the handbreak didn't work so i got that fixed today for £90. But overral you think I got good deal on my Sei
Shenzo said:Wow thanks a lot Chaos much appreciated, it's given me a good understanding. where abouts can i locate the sump plug? and which filter do i buy because i went to Halfords and saw 100's i was confused which 1 to get
chaos said:You can get a Haynes from Halfords, though they do come up on eBay - it may work out cheaper seeing as it'll probably get a bit grubby
Shenzo said:My dad says the cambelt it weak and feels very loose,