Technical Replacing tiny led ..possible?

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Technical Replacing tiny led ..possible?


One job always leads to another
Jun 3, 2019
west yorks
I’m totally into customising my 500 as some of you are aware[emoji23]
I’m now looking into possibly (if I can) changing my orange led,s on the interior ie behind steering wheel controls/aircon panel window buttons....

I’m pretty sure it can be done I have assorted micro led mods i have gotten pretty good at soldering I have spare controls to practice on too just so I don’t bugger up what I got!

I just think white is much nicer than the ghastly orange!

Some of you will be thinking wtf why bother![emoji23]?
Just wondering if anyone done this before?
I’m sure I’ve seen a video on you tube where they changed all the surface mont chips to do that in the instrument panel.
Probably find changing the dials colour more of an issue ?
You can fit coloured bulbs like red or blue which will effectively shine through the orange and not be changed much so they will still be red or blue but to fit white would still be orange.

Many years ago (15+) I did convert the lighting colour of a few fords to the vw red and blue scheme of that era, I can’t remember if I did scrape the colour off some parts to get the light right. Fords back then had green lighting
Yeah going to look at whatever is behind aircon panel later the steering wheel controls are tiny micro smd that are actually orange .... really hard to change as they are microscopic [emoji23]
Had a look today no bulbs at all [emoji817] all led and tiny .. going to see if a blue colour film applied behind the buttons will change the colour
I wanted white but anything other than orange is fine[emoji23]

Hopefully it will work .. so many pieces to solder I’m bound to mess up ?
Plus on my heater/climate I have to remove each button to access the smds