A long time since I had Punto, so this will be a general answer.
Firstly, the new bulbs should be the same as the old ones you took out.
Some vehicles will use a single filament bulb for each lamp, others will use the twin filament for stop/tail, with 5w for tail lamp and 21w for stop lamp.
The single filament bulb has a centre contact, and the two bayonet pins that locate it are directly opposite each other.
The twin filament bulb will have two contacts on its base, and the two locating pins are at different heights, so should not be able to be fitted incorrectly. On a lot of poorly made or worn bulb holders it may be possible to fit the bulb the wrong way, giving 21w tail and 5w stop lamps. Many people seem to be able to force them in anyway, and if done once, the bulb holder can be damaged making it easy to do again.
If you manage to fit single filament bulbs in a twin holder, the centre contact may connect to both, just one, or neither. The bayonet pins will not have fitted properly, so the bulb might pop out sometime.
With the bulb out, look into the holder. If there are two contacts, you need the '380' bulb, 5w/21w, but if only one contact, you'd use the '382' P21w for brakes, and probably a '207' 5w for a tail lamp. The front sidelamps are also 5w, but tend to use smaller bulbs, '233' 5w, or a '501' 5w if it is just the glass bulb without the metal cap.
(Isn't it sad that I can remember bulb numbers without looking any of it up. I need to get out more.)
Hopefully you have a handbook, and all the bulbs will be listed near the back.