Styling Re-spraying & body work

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Styling Re-spraying & body work

Mar 26, 2009
England, Reading
First off, hello there im a new member, and new fiat owner which is all very nice, been 17 for a few months and just got myself a punto mk2, well it wasnt pciked out by me, but it was the car i wanted.

I was just wondering the car is gold, ultimatly its not exactly my ideal colour, i would have prefferd a dark grey or black, does anyone know where it is possible to get this done, and really how much it would cost, aslo on personnal experience if you think its worth it.

The other thing is its 5 door, which isnt bad, but as im sure most will agree, the bumpers and rear lights of the 3 door are much nicer, so is there anything i can do here, any advice on body work would be nice, and feedback would be :)

Ill post a pic when i upload one
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Thanks for the quick response, its not really possible though, grand parents would be very un-happy seeing as they hunted it down and payed the majority, but my dads all up for working on it, if there are ways to make the 5 door prettier
gz on purchasing one of the finest cars in the world ... after the mk1 ofc !! (y) erm personally ... the colour will grow on you . get some vinyl or somehting to bring out the looks of the car ...
look on various websites for some kool bits of gear .. then look on ebay and other cheaper sites to see if you can get it for less dolllars !!

good luck & have fun !!
get some pics up !

to have the car re-sprayed completely will cost a fortune, you have to semi-strip the car as the inside of the doors needs to be done (the bit you see when you open the door), under the bonnet and the bit around the inside of the boot etc

also the 3 door bumper and lights will not fit your car unfortunatly

but as said above, chose some decent vynls (not too over the top) and possibly do something with the interior
Hey guys just reading the comments, what if you didnt want a respray but just a "top up" the same colour as your car on just the outside? How much you lookin at u rekon?

I like the look of a vinyl saying 'punto' on the right at the bottom of the skirt, infront of the rear wheel, done a quick photoshop looks pretty decent, but spraying is ridiculous! i was hoping for around £500, the car was bought for £1800, so £2000 for a spray, well.