General Rattles!

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General Rattles!


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Hey guys

Do many of you have rattles in your car? My car is 14 months old and at times its like i've got mothercare on wheels! Really annoying.
I've got them coming from all over the car,the one around the radio is the worst as its constant regardless of road surface.Its a sort of clicking sound,like when you push the top of a parker pen(to get the nib out) constantly,its driving me nuts. Took it in to the dealer but they didn't fix it.
Theres another coming from the rear passenger side and also a buzzing/vibration coming from the left side when i accelerate to just over 3500 revs(usually in 2nd gear)
I know its probably because of the harsh suspension but its starting to put me off the car.
Is there a way of removing the heater controls so i can get the coloured strip off to look behind it?

Many Thanks in advance

Had a rattle from the driver's door, whcih Fiat sorted last month,but they've not put the door inside panel back on properly, and there's an occassional louder rattle coming from the back somewhere - not sure if it's suspension or boot. I keep tidying the boot and have stuffed towels around the spare tyre well and tightened the spare tyre fastening thingy - it's helped a bit.
Our dealer had the car two days to sort the rattles/buzzing in our car.

It appears there is a lot of 'loose' wiring flapping about which is in contact with various parts of the dash.

Dealer sorted rattles/buzzing around the radio pod, steering column, and the interior light (had all the headlining out).

It needs some effort and persistence with the dealer to have a real go at sorting these.