General Rattel from rear

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General Rattel from rear


New member
May 4, 2011

120tjet 57 reg.

There's an annoying rattle coming from the rear when I go over bumps (which is virtually all the time in the UK eh?)

I've take everything out of the boot, and secured anything that can rattle in the spare wheel bay.

It's sort of light metal against metal and comes from the tailgate end. Not really loud, just irritating.

Anyone got any ideas/experience of this?

Re: Rattle from rear


It's hard to pin down exactly, but does seem to be coming from the tailgate area…I think:confused:

I'm not at all competent taking things apart as usually make a hash of things car wise, so is it easy to disassemble and reassemble the the tailgate liner?
Re: Rattle from rear

I'm not at all competent taking things apart as usually make a hash of things car wise, so is it easy to disassemble and reassemble the the tailgate liner?

Yes, but easier if you have two pairs of hands. The lugs aren't fixed so can be difficult to align while putting it back on. Otherwise it is just one screw that needs removed and put back.

I may (I'm not sure, so I will PM you about it) have some spare lugs in case some break. They were about £13 for a full set when I got mine about three years ago, so if I do and you need them I'll happily just post them.
I think I've found the rattle :D

I put a small amount of rubber around where the tailgate closes and fingers crossed, the rattle seems to have gone. I'll give it another test drive over next couple of days to confirm. Here's hoping :)

Now all I need to do is get rid of the new rattle from around the dash since I got new tyres...