Puntos In Town

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Puntos In Town

Apr 2, 2009
Hi Guys,

A few plates i picked up whilst driving round Banbury this evening...

What looked like a Punto Sporting (Last letters of reg: SFK)?
Black Grande Punto parked up in the town centre (Last letters of reg:
Blue Punto (Last letters of reg: WGB)?

Any one here own one of these?

None were mine, but I'm pretty sure I have seen that blue punto around, too.
do we have any flyers made that we can download or do we just have to come up with ones ourselves? :p
Cheers for the link, I might download some of those and get them printed, or am I allowed to have a go at making my own using cars from the garage and the forum logo? I might have a go at making my own if I get time during the week! :p
Yeh good idea. PuntoSS you come up with any we can use yet? That way i'll carry some in my car and put them on the fiats i see!

Yeah, I've just had a go at making one now, but awaiting confirmation for use of some of the photographs I've incorporated :D
Once I have the permission I will post it up in the topic that Dave gave a link to.
Ah fair enough, thats great, I'll upload it then.
Wasn't me! :D I think TUD parked next to me in Sainsbury's a while back, it's almost identical to mine. I'll be going out in her tommorow though, she needs topping up with fuel.
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