General Punto 188 BCM connect through vag-com and KWP2000

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General Punto 188 BCM connect through vag-com and KWP2000


New member
Oct 12, 2018
Greetings to all.First of all, i hope you are doing well and take care of yourself.Since the coronanirus quarantine i was looking for ways to pass my time (and educate myself), i managed to build a program in Python (i wanted it to be able to run in Linux) that connects to my car's (punto 188 mk2a) ecu (iaw59f) through a vag-com cable, successfully initializes the ecu and queries sensor readings like all the other tools do.My question is, since the fiat 14230-2 states that communication for multiple ecus is available has anyone managed to connect to two ecus simultaneously?. Is it possible to connect to the Marelli bcm with a simple vag-com cable (using both K and L-line of course). And one last question,can i get fuel consumption from the ECU?If not how do you calculate it?from the injector on time, engine load or something else?
Thank you for your time.
And again i really hope you are well in your health.

Ps.when i manage to get the code in a better shape :) i will publish it to help others that want to work on something similar.
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Ok. I kind of found the answer to my first question, Multiecu scan does not support to connect to the bcm through vag-kkl interface,so probably its not possible (it needs two serial lines one for K and one for L line and bit-banging dtr must not be a viable option),But what about fuel consumption?Does anyone know hot to get it directly or not from the punto ecu?
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