Agree that some of the questions weren't relevant if a certain question had been given to a previous question. I still wouldn't buy one...
Here's my responses
Q1: What Gender Are You?
A: Male
Q2: What age group do you fall into?
A: 30 - 40
Q3: On the a scale of 1 - 10 rate how likley you are to buy a small hatchback as your next car.
(10 = very likely)
A: 10
Q4: How likely are you to choose a Vauxhall Corsa as your next small hatchback?
(10 = Very likely)
A: 1
Q5: If you answered below 3 to the previous question, why whould you not choose the Corsa?
A: Image and Chavs that own them!
Q6: If you answered above 3 on question 4 what is it you like about the Corsa?
A: N/A
Q7: What do you not like about the Corsa?
A: See question 5. Plus three cylinder engine version is not nice to drive
Q8: Please select the car you would be most likely to buy out of the list.
A: Fiat Punto (what else?!!!)
Q9: Why have you chosen the car you have in the previous question?
A: Have previously owned two Fiats and love them. Brand loyalty. Italian brio and styling
Q10: Do you Associate the Corsa with a particular kind of driver? if so please state this kind of driver
A: Young girls, first time drivers, boy racer Chavs
Q11: Why do you associate the Corsa with this kind of driver
A: Because they are driven by them...
Q12: If your opinion of who drives the Corsa is a bad one, how could Vauxhall change the Corsa to make the Corsa more appealing to the majourity of the public?
A: Put a Fiat badge on the back
Q13: What extra features would you like as standard on the Corsa?
A: Less effeminate styling, bigger engine (2.0 16 valve would be nice)
Q14: What is your price range for your next small hatchback?
A: Under £5000 (more like under £500, but that option was not available)
Q15: Do you think the Corsa needs to be cheaper?
A: No (even more Chavs would buy them if they were!)
Q16: If you answered yes to the previous question, how much do you thin the Corsa should cost?
A: Not applicable
Q17: Do you think you should be able to buy your car over the internet and have it delivered to your door?
A: No
Q18: Where Do you think Vauxhall Need to advertise the Corsa?
A: Magazines
Q19: How likely would you be to buy the Corsa if Vauxhall were to offer 0% finance on it?
(10 = very likely)
A: 1
Q20: On a scale of 1 to 10 how likley would you be to buy the corsa if Vauxhall were to put a Large engine into it?
(10=Very likley)
A: 3
Q21: Do you belive Vauxhall is a brand name?
A: No, they are rebadged Opel/ GM world cars.
Q22: What should Vauxhall offer in terms of servicing?
A: Cheaper costs