As you may have seen from an earlier thread, I won a 750 on Ebay last weekend. Well I picked it up yesterday morning, but it didn't go smoothly though as it ran out of petrol before I could get to the garage. It must have been running on fumes.... This was made worse as I had got my Dad to go with me in my Brava, and I wanted him to follow me to the garage as I knew it was low on fuel. But he zoomed off in front and we got split up :bang: He never has his phone on so I had to ring my Sis to come out in her Tipo with some petrol. Luckily she was only about 20 minutes, and we got it sorted
Anyway, here it is after I got it home
I've been working on my Van most of this weekend, so haven't done much to it, but I did find time to wash it and look in the shed and get a spare zender ariel and some 1000S wheel trims and put them on, and take the horrid sunstrip :yuck: off.
The main things to do though are;
Replace the driver's door
Replace the broken boot lock
And get rid of that bloomin stripe of the bonnet
Anyway, here it is after I got it home
I've been working on my Van most of this weekend, so haven't done much to it, but I did find time to wash it and look in the shed and get a spare zender ariel and some 1000S wheel trims and put them on, and take the horrid sunstrip :yuck: off.
The main things to do though are;
Replace the driver's door
Replace the broken boot lock
And get rid of that bloomin stripe of the bonnet