Technical Panda 1.2 4x4 P1220 and P1121 Error Codes

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Technical Panda 1.2 4x4 P1220 and P1121 Error Codes


New member
May 28, 2019
Hi Everybody - Can anyone help a Panda owner in need please!

Last night our 2005 Panda 4x4 1.2 had a bit of an episode, the EML came on, and went into limp mode.

This all happened about a mile after driving through a flood - not a very deep one (only a few inches at most) but enough to spray water over the roof! The weather generally was pretty bad - torrential rain and a lot of standing water on the roads so we had already driven through a lot of standing water without issue - but I mention it as it may have been the precursor to the error?

Anyway, after nursing the car back home I plugged into the OBD socket and read the fault codes using Torque (an Android App - it may be available on Iphone too but unsure) which threw up P1121 and P1220. They seem to relate to Pedal Position Sensor and Throttle Position Sensor respectively.

As it would be unlikely for both sensors to fail simultaneously (change my mind!?) my questions is: Other than the signals are required by the ECU to manage the fuelling / throttle is there anything common between these sensors (power supply etc.)?

It appears that there is a hard fault somewhere in the throttle control element of the engine management as the faults cannot be cleared, and reappear with just the ignition on.

Any ideas please anyone?

Thanks all.
Drive-by-wire systems usually have two potentiometers at each end so the signals can be cross-checked for accuracy. It's possible one of them is failing.

However, older 1.2 Pandas have a throttle cable so it could be the throttle position sensor at the throttle body. Get a copy of MES - unregistered version is free but you'll need to spend £30 on a set of cables. The reg version is only 50 Euro so not silly money.
Hi Dave - Thanks for the reply.

My Panda is a fly by wire so no throttle cable - I have live data with my current OBD tool so will try and have another look tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to see if / which / whether the potentiometers are working.

I'll report back findings.........
Just a quick update to close the fault thread - successfully!

The underlying fault turned out to be a split boot on the throttle position sensor which had allowed water ingress to the multi-plug causing a short, resulting in error codes relating to throttle pedal position sensor and the throttle position sensor.

I've driven about 300 miles since cleaning out the connector, applying a bit WD40, and repairing the connector boot with no re-occurrence so I'm calling it fixed! (y)