Shortly after we bought Becky, our 2010 1.2 8 valve Panda, she developed a loud screeching creak when the clutch pedal was depressed. The garage we bought from would have nothing to do with it! As suggested by s130 above, I went for the obvious things first. Squirted spray grease on the pedal bushes under the dash - no change. Then sprayed it on the pivot shaft where it enters the bell housing - no change. Then I got Mrs Jock to work the pedal up and down whilst I listened to the noise under the bonnet. The noise, which is quite loud, was definitely coming from around the slave cylinder/arm but as Mrs J was pumping the pedal up and down it stopped making the noise!
Two days later it came back but Mrs J was out shopping. I convinced myself it was the end of the slave cylinder rod where it bears on the release lever so I slopped a little copa slip into the cup shaped end and the noise seemed to go away. Unfortunately it came back again a few days later. I squirted a little silicon oil up under the dust rubber of the slave cylinder and again the noise went away for a few days but came back. Then I read in the forum that these plastic slave cylinders are prone to creaking when they get old. Fitted a new slave and the noise has never returned.
There were other indications that the clutch itself was well worn too so I got our local Fiat indy to do me a clutch at almost the same time therefore It's a little difficult to be 100% sure the slave was the source of the noise but I would put a 99% bet on it!
Then, less than a year later we had clutch problems on my boy's 2012 Punto 1.4 8 valve - so, in effect, the same clutch set up as the Panda - and the slave cylinder on it was well past it's best too. I've read other posts on here about the clutch hydraulics being a bit of a "weak link" and this would seem to be borne out by our experiences.
I suspect that a new slave cylinder will sort this out for you - may be worth just doing the Master at the same time if you can afford it. I didn't change the Master cyl on the Panda, only the slave, and it's been fine. I tried to change the master on the Punto which turned out to be an absolute swine to do and in the end I got the lads at the Fiat Indy (Harrisons) to do it for me (you have to pretty much remove the pedal box to get it, the m/cyl, out as it comes out past the pedals not into the engine bay!) The Panda looks much more easy to do as it removes on the engine side of the bulkhead.
Please do let us know how things turn out for you
PS the plastic bushes on the release arm spindle (where it pivots in the bell housing) were in good condition on both cars. Panda at 65,000 miles and Punto at 45,000. I give them and the pedal bushes a very light application of spray grease at each service now.