500 Newbie Wanna-Be Abarth Cabrio Owner

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500 Newbie Wanna-Be Abarth Cabrio Owner


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I've been passionate about the Abarth in the USA since the January 2012 Superbowl commercial, and now, one year later, a curious confluence of coincidences converge to cause me to commit:

  • A cabrio convertible version was just announced, available in Spring 2013;
  • I have a major birthday, also in Spring 2013 (one of those that ends in a "0");
  • My town is getting what is only the third of the Fiat dealers in my state (and it is only 3.5 mi from me!);
  • After many false tries of showing Fiats of various colors to my wife to no avail, I hit upon showing her the red one, and she "thinks its cute!"
So I am shopping and expect to soon be ordering (red Abarth 500c with same color and trim as the Nov. 28, 2012 announcement at the Los Angeles Auto Show), and meanwhile and during and after plan to hang out here. Thanks!