Technical New purchase. Bluetooth equipment info..??

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Technical New purchase. Bluetooth equipment info..??

After 2 years with low spec grandes

I have now got a car with the usb in the glovebox.. and signage indicating it MIGHT work like the B+M in my 2012

Only basic paperwork came with the car :(

IIRC all the 'add.ons' came as supplements to the standard book pack.

Im not much of a tech. Person..
but would like a heads up about its capacity..and limitations.

You never know.. I might even get a members motors thread about this one

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Manual is available here

Not allowed to post links yet as I'm a noob, but just copy+paste and add www. to the beginning...

Select vehicle model in the drop-down at the top, then click the "Instructions" tab on the right. A window appears below the tabs, just click anywhere in it et voila:cool:
Mine plays music from a USB stick, no problem.
AFAIK, the socket will charge a phone, but only has limited current available from it, so will not trigger the fast charging function of a modern phone, but will trickle charge it.
The only other issue seems to be the size of USB stick it can properly access, but I seem to recall that it is something large enough not to be unduly concerned, perhaps someone else can verify?(y)