Technical Mark I Cabriolet 1.6 trouble with power steering and finding parts

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Technical Mark I Cabriolet 1.6 trouble with power steering and finding parts


New member
Jun 12, 2024
A new member here, hi everyone!

So I bought a Punto Mark I Cabriolet last summer. Great car, lots of issues :p It's the 1.6, engine code 176A90.

My current problem is as follows: The power steering pressure line started leaking and with my friend we decided to DIY it. The part seemed hard to locate so we decided to replace the rubber part with a custom hydraulic line. So we didnt touch the pump or the metal lines, just attached a new line in the middle of the pressure line. At first this did seem to work, but after getting the air out of the system I got a horrible noise from the wheel area.

When the wheels are turned at standstill or at low speeds the car seems to "jerk" the wheels against the ground with a lot of force. I showed the car to a mechanic and he thought that the power steering pressure line should have some kind of a muffler inside it and is no making too much pressure. He thought we should get the original pressure line and see if it fixes things.

Anyone have any thoughts on this, can it be something else?

My second issue it that I can't seem to find the part anywhere. What I need is this:, but for the 1.6 and no one seems to have that. Does the 1.2 line actually fit or something from an another model? Or does someone know a secret Italian secret Italian scrap yard to call?

Thanks a ton if anyone can help!
Fiat Punto Cabriolet 1.6

I've checked the forum onlineePER (link at the bottom of the forum banner) and there are 2 diagrams with the pipes:

Both diagrams are for the 1.6 engine. I assume the photo of the pipe of the 1.2 model on the linked website is not 100% accurate. The parts can differ due to the fact that they are for different engines.

The given part number appears in the ePER, but it shows that it's for the 1.2 model only. It's the number 1 on this diagram:

Comparing the diagrams for both models I assume the correct part number for the 1.6 engine shall be 46440198 (also number 1 on the first diagram linked above).

Just a quick search over the internet and I've found it on ebay in Greece here:

But check and confirm the compatibility before you purchase!
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I've checked the forum onlineePER (link at the bottom of the forum banner) and there are 2 diagrams with the pipes:

Both diagrams are for the 1.6 engine. I assume the photo of the pipe of the 1.2 model on the linked website is not 100% accurate. The parts can differ due to the fact that they are for different engines.

The given part number appears in the ePER, but it shows that it's for the 1.2 model only. It's the number 1 on this diagram:

Comparing the diagrams for both models I assume the correct part number for the 1.6 engine shall be 46440198 (also number 1 on the first diagram linked above).

Just a quick search over the internet and I've found it on ebay in Greece here:

But check and confirm the compatibility before you purchase!

Hi again and thank you!

Based on this page: it seems that the two diagrams are for left hand and right hand drive versions of the car. Mine is left hand drive so the part you linked should indeed be the real deal for my poor Punto.
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I have a 1.2 so if you need to make a comparison I am happy to post pictures up to try and help
Thanks for the offer! I checked your youtube channel (cool stuff by the way) and it looks like everything about the 1.2 is complete different.

Your video says you bought the worst Punto Cabrio ever, you should see mine ;) Your paint looks beatiful in comparison.
Hi again and thank you!

Based on this page: it seems that the two diagrams are for left hand and right hand drive versions of the car. Mine is left hand drive so the part you linked should indeed be the real deal for my poor Punto.
There's a search in the ePER, you can search by VIN. If you put yours, by default it will only show the diagrams and parts that correspond with your vehicle.