Technical Manual Gear Selector cable adrift

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Technical Manual Gear Selector cable adrift


New member
Nov 3, 2019
Hi all,

My Fiat 500 Twin Air Pop recently lost all gears except 3rd and 4th. This I found out to be the selector cable adrift from the arm at the gearbox - see attached photo. I pushed the cable back on the arm but it is so worn that it comes off easily.

I have searched online and can find the cable fairly easily but can't find the arm. I'm guessing this will need replacing too as the pivot appears to be bent as well as worn at the end of the arm. Does anyone know the technical name for this arm and/or where I could get one?

Many thanks for any help.



selector bush.jpg
This happened to me a couple of years ago. The socket separates from the ball. Prise the ball off and clean both bits up then glue it with lots of good quality superglue. Two years down the line it’s still going strong.

If you do need the arm I do have one somewhere. If I can find it you can have it for postage.

Take the battery out and battery tray (3 x 13mm bolts) to get at it.
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