General Look what I brought today...

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General Look what I brought today...

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The K man said:
who called you a kid?

i think you come across as one, but i would NEVER say that.

is this a car forum or a personal forum? you are obviously not a car enthusiast are you? You've pretty much proven that to me. :spam:


I'm not a car enthusiast? don't even get me started on that I have spent more hours out in the freezing cold and rain either fixing or tinkering with my cars then I care to remember!
funkycinq said:
Stop being a cocky sh*it James/Jamie. Any comments or debates are very welcome on any forum...including this one. K Man was simply helping a member out and giving advice.
As I can see your taking offence to K Man's advice and any advice is very much welcomed, what aren't welcomed are immature and cocky replies which were orchestrated from yourself.


FFS If you and your brother wanna discuss my name sure we can arrange to sort this out at somepoint!
arc said:

this is a thread about a rover in the cento section of a fiat forum. it's spam since it started.

re your sig, what engine do you have in there cos i bet theres cinqs on here faster than your rover

one for all...............

the sig is supposed to be 'playground talk', whats the point in me bragging about an engine? picky picky

oh, just to sink to the same level

arc said:
what engine do you have in there cos i bet theres ROVERS out there thats faster than your FIAT

bye all

cheers for that funky cinq, cool car btw, much nicer than james' 'bad boy stylee' cinq hahahaha NICE.
i was curious as to what it was. you see what it says under my avatar? Drives: faster than you

please edit that post, i didnt post what you've quoted. I was talking model specific.
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