Technical Intermittent low oil pressure on startup. 1.3 Multijet

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Technical Intermittent low oil pressure on startup. 1.3 Multijet


New member
Apr 9, 2024
Hi all. We have bought a 2014 multijet trekking, we do love the car, and it’s been mostly ok, however we get intermittent ‘insuff. engine oil pressure, stop and turn off engine’ warnings when starting. There’s no rhyme or reason to these low pressure events. Sometimes first thing in the morning when cold, sometimes middle of day after a run.
The car runs absolutely fine apart from this, and by the time the display has gone through its message, the oil light is off and we’re running fine.
Our mechanic suggested an oil flush, which he did but this hasn’t cured it.
Any ideas?
Cars currently on 116k if that helps.
I suspect that oil pressure either is or isnt. Intermittent oil pressure is ulikely. I did have a TRenault with a remote oil cooler that came loose allowing it to sup air and show the oil light. It actually came off after 100 miles and lost the oil but that oil cooler was clearly a bad bit of engineering.
So maybe ir is a bad connection at the sensor or a oil level faulty sensor. Some have reported the metal part of the sensor does not make contact with the engine for some reason and then the oil light goes mad. 116K on a diesel, is just nicely run in, as long as its been serviced OK. Try connecting a wire from the oil level or pressure sensor, and earth and see if this resolves the light.