Punto 2012+ If a scan tool can connect, can it do everything?

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Punto 2012+ If a scan tool can connect, can it do everything?


New member
Jan 28, 2025
South Western Sydney
Hi all,
I haven't connected a scan tool to any car since connecting a specialized Toyota tool to my Prius in about 2013. I see from this forum & other places eg. Reddit that there are many options for scan tools at reasonable prices. I'm just wondering whether some scan tools are more comprehensive than others in respect of what they can & can't do? I certainly want to read any error codes which may be active or logged but I also want to do more than that. I wan to sort out the dualogic in my recalcitrant 2013 Punto. If I purchase any scan tool which connects to the vehicle & can pull codes, will it also do all the other stuff like read sensor values & carry out calibration procedures?
Thanks for any guidance. :)
The answer isn’t simple, some can and some can’t.

MultiECUscan can do everything, but usually only for specified manufacturers including Fiat.

You can download and play with it on a simulation version to see what it can do.