don't do it!!!
I spent about 2 hours trying to remove the original head unit (almost snapping it) then fitted a facia surround (halfords about £9.99) & then fitted a kenwood single cd unit...which plugged straight in without having to purchase additional conections.
I do have to say it looked terrible in the car as the radio is sunk right into the dash. When i played cds
i did'nt think the standard speakers were up to much so all in all i was really disappionted.
Sorry I forgot to mention that the facia surround is a slightly different colour to the dash & really sticks out. I have now replaced the head unit & am looking for a grundig changer as it the original radio looks so much nicer & probably will sound the same with a changer fitted.
I hope this helps>>>
Er would you like to buy a single cd player...(ha ha)
hello linz...i work at a fiat dealer and ive got a single cd player in my bravo...if you buy a genuine fiat trim for about a tenner it looks great! if you want i will take a digi piccy of my dash and send it to you so you can see wot they look like.
a pic of the fascia would be really usefull. i cant find the cable in the boot for a grundig cd changer. so a standard head unit is an option, but im worried that the fascia surround will look pants.
Lindsay, only me, Ya know.....ChatGuidey Blokey.... I've got a barely used Fiat CD player for you, will slot right in. barely used cos I'm into my 'proper' audiophile stuff, if you are interested? Email me