Bravicssimo i agree totally with you the steering on bravos is way too light. removing the belt isn't a good idea it will be very hard to turn at all, what you need to do is adjust the relief valve on the power steering pump. the relief valve regulates pressure in the power steering system. the idea is that at tickover you should have the same assistance as at full revs, and at full revs the pump wont burst anything. this valve works with a simple spring, if you 'modify' the spring so that it is weaker then your steering will be heavier.
i have also experimented with adjustable in line valves placed after the pump in the system, this works well because you have constantly adjustable steering. finding a valve that works well is difficult, i recommended the tap style valves that are used on the back of washing machines, you have 180degrees worth of adjustment to play with ranging from 0 - 100% assistance. chopping the old pipe and placing the valve or tap in the line is easy enough.
one thing i will say, reducing the assistance is the only way to get control of this car, doing high speeds on B roads is very dangerous with the standard steering assistance, its very dificult to feel the road, its like driving numb, you cant feel the wheels losing grip, you cant judge the road surface, its just horrible, i dont know how its legal, it shows that the car is designed for parking in asda carpark and not designed for racing on country lanes, even motorway driving feels a bit scary at 110+.
the easier option is to get a smaller diameter steering wheel, this reduces the leaverage you have so there is more resistance in the steering system, but you need to take a couple of inches off the steering wheel diameter to get a good improvement.
i'd recommend a valve modification to the pump hose, its great having the adjustment to play with, and its an easy job really, you chop the hose and stick the valve in