Hope you are all well
Been a 2010 Punto Evo 1.6 diesel owner since August 2019... :slayer:
Nice ride,a bit soft suspension,good brakes,low fuel consumption.No issues yet
welcome to the forum. I don't think we got the 1.6 diesel in a 5 door here in the UK, we did get the Sporting 1.6 and the suspension on this is much firmer.
1.6 mjt is the best engine on this model by far but then I'm bias
welcome to the forum. I don't think we got the 1.6 diesel in a 5 door here in the UK, we did get the Sporting 1.6 and the suspension on this is much firmer.
1.6 mjt is the best engine on this model by far but then I'm bias
Thanks for the welcome!
Not familiar with all Fiat models but yes,this is a rare car on my country too...It equipped with all "modern" features such trip control,airbags around ABS/ESP hill control Clima,4 electric windows,leather steering etc.
I asked a lot of people before purchase.Only positive reviews for this engine: Powerful,reliable and low fuel consumpsion.With a bit "heavy foot"or an average traffic does a 5,5-5,6 liters/100 km (52,3-50,4 miles per gallon) On heavy traffic or very "heavy foot" and lot of downshifts mileage goes to 6,5lit/100 km or 43.4 mpg...not bad for a used almost 10 years old car...