Hello All.
Really New to all this, would just like to say Hello, and not sure if I can ask advise on this forum, but will give it a go, as desperate for some.
I have a 2017 Fiat Ducato 2.3 Escape.
Just come to prepare for the weekend break(First Time)
Windows not working nor mirrors.. Checked all fuses, no avail.
Have taken it back to dealer, its been there all day, they cant find any problems,
anyone had any similar issues.. desperate
Really New to all this, would just like to say Hello, and not sure if I can ask advise on this forum, but will give it a go, as desperate for some.
I have a 2017 Fiat Ducato 2.3 Escape.
Just come to prepare for the weekend break(First Time)
Windows not working nor mirrors.. Checked all fuses, no avail.
Have taken it back to dealer, its been there all day, they cant find any problems,
anyone had any similar issues.. desperate