Technical Headlight, sidelight & fog light issues

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Technical Headlight, sidelight & fog light issues

Sep 29, 2019

When I bought my 08 Panda Cross a few months ago I needed to replace the left headlight for MOT.

Since then I’ve not had a left side light and despite trying to troubleshoot the lack of power getting to the bulb gave up..there’s no fuse for sidelights. .it was suggested to look under the steering wheel for a little box but I found nothing amiss. The right hand sidelight works but not left.

Headlights and fog lights worked fine. Fogs worked on dipped beam, which I used as driving lights.

Now last night I noticed a change - light on the near side was very poor. Stopped the car to take a look and only the RH side light is working!

When I turn on fogs the RH side light just burns brighter and fogs don’t come on. Not on full beam either..

I’ve no new warning lights and my sporadic no error engine light isn’t on either.

Is there a controller for all the lights or something that’s failed?

Any ideas what’s going on and how to trouble shoot this in the dead of winter?

Help appreciated.

Thanks for the response.

New headlight was from FIAT. I even refitted the smashed headlight and the same problem. So at least I know it’s not the cluster.

I had a quick look at the fuse box but haven’t removed it. Does the LH headlight loom have its own earth?

Is there a relay for LH and RH headlights?

I’ve spent the last hour taking meter readings and swapping bulbs trying to understand what’s going on.

When the side lights are switched on: RH illuminates but LH doesn’t. I tried to trace wires on LH that powers the side bulb and there’s only a pink wire with power and the bulb holder has no power. Which wire on the headlight assembly connector should have power for the LH side light?

When stalk turned to full beam: both bulbs in top half of headlight illuminate on RH but only main bulb illuminates on LH. LH side light bulb holder now has power but bulb does not illuminate! I tried the side light bulb from the RH plus 5 other new bulbs but none lit up... hows that even possible if the holder has power?

Fog lights switched on: only the RH fog light illuminates. LH does not. Tried different bulbs. No power to LH bulb holder.
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corroded rear cluster connection is common and causes all sorts of problems

Also melted connectors on the body computer is fairly common

I would start here. Its a Good idea to reseat the rear cluster every now and again any how. So nothing lost and only a 5 minute job

there's a closeup of the body computer connectors on this forum somewhere. See if I can find a link
The connectorproblem in the bodycomputer is speciffically for the lowbeams. No idea where the sidelights get their power from (probably the same grey connector, but different wires). I don't understand what you mean when you say that you have power, but the lights don't work anyway.
Mind you... Voltage is not the only important thing to have Amps are just as important. I too expect a grounding and/or connectorproblem on the LH side.

gr J
Thanks for the response.

I had a quick look at the fuse box but haven’t removed it. Does the LH headlight loom have its own earth?

LH side light bulb holder now has power but bulb does not illuminate! I tried the side light bulb from the RH plus 5 other new bulbs but none lit up... hows that even possible if the holder has power?

Fog lights switched on.

Looks like LH is controlled indepenently..