Just because a car can red line at say 7,300 revs doesn't mean that to get the best acceleration you should change at the limit.
You will probably/maybe find that all you are doing is entering a flat spot so high up the rev range, and would do better changing lower e.g. 6000 or even lower at 5500 to take advantage of the steeper power curve and torque. Remember torque reaches its limit sooner than BHP and torque is what pulls you when accelerating and BHP is an indication of the total power of an engine.
This is why diesels pull like crazy an seem more powerful than they really are at slower speeds etc.
Remember its not the peak power that counts, its the area under the graph.
This is why i prefer my TL1000r to an inline four, you can short shift out of corners and ride the torque rather than chasing revs.
This is just a thought.