Gear box actuator fault- advice please..?

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Gear box actuator fault- advice please..?


New member
Dec 31, 2019
I have a 2012 fiat 500 semi auto. 22000 miles. No problems until now.
A couple of near stalls/jumping in low gear last month and diagnostic check at fiat has shown gear box actuator faulty.
Have been advised this is ~£1600 (1200 +labour) to replace.
Any advice on if this can be sourced cheaper etc?
Thank you so much
I have a 2012 fiat 500 semi auto. 22000 miles. No problems until now.
A couple of near stalls/jumping in low gear last month and diagnostic check at fiat has shown gear box actuator faulty.
Have been advised this is ~£1600 (1200 +labour) to replace.
Any advice on if this can be sourced cheaper etc?
Thank you so much

Hi. :)

The SEARCH on here is pretty good ;)

Duologic failure.. as a search term should bring in LOTS of info

Heres one..

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If you're sure you need one then Shop4Parts may be cheaper.
However, unless your actuator leaks, you might want to get a second opinion.

Many Dualogic "faults" seem to be diagnosed as "you need a new actuator" as that's the repair that requires the least expertise, needing only some spanners. And a lot of places don't understand the (fairly simple) technology so don't want to touch it.

Many faults turn out to be electrical (brake pedal switch, bad earth on brake light, engine/gearbox earth, poor battery, etc.).
Or clutch.
Or gearbox.

Some terminal problems turn out to be a simple cause, followed by some seriously inept diagnosis and some incompetent "repair" leading to permanent but avoidable damage.

Could well be worth checking with an expert (try Alfa Romeo independents), or running through some basic checks before shelling out on a new actuator.
Unless it leaks... in which case you probably do need one (or someone to do a guaranteed repair on yours).
Thanks so much - this is really helpful
The diagnostics were done by an official fiat garage. I assumed they would be able to differentiate and said they just recommend replace rather than further investigation etc
Perhaps I should get a second opinion anyway?
The general consensus on Dualogic diagnosis by FIAT dealerships appears to fit into the "you need a new actuator" camp, as the only official spare part offered seems to be the complete actuator (don't have direct personal knowledge of this, so I could be wrong). Also, as I said, it's the part swap that requires least effort, training or tools.

But, if you think about it, the Dualogic ECU has to work out your intentions from a limited set of sensors, and then decide whether to change up, down, go to Neutral, do nothing, etc.
If the data it gets is bad, it makes "bad" choices. If it gets conflicting information it is programmed to choose the mechanically safest option. Which may be to go to Neutral. Doesn't mean it is broken, just doing the best it can with what inputs it has been given.

As an example, a while ago my own Dualogic Panda had a bout of jerky downward gearchanges when in Auto. Manual was fine.
Cause was actually related to the brake lights not working, in turn caused by a bad connection at the brake pedal switch.
No errors stored.
I realised the problem when reversing into a parking space - noticed that there was no glare from the brake lights.
Cleaned connector and all was well again.

I suspect that some people would have blamed the actuator or the ECU, and suggested replacement. (Would never have happened as it's a 2004 Panda with a value less than the parts & labour would cost.)

So, yes. Get a second opinion. Maybe even a third, too.