The regular 1.5 Strada engines e.g. 75CL used regular unleaded.
I can't find my official Fiat listing from that era but I recall that Fiat listed vehicles fitted with the Digiplex units, despite using engines from other models which could run unleaded, could not run unleaded. Now this is because the earlier Digiplex units were not able to have their timing adjusted like the old style points set-up.
Later Digiplex units, like those fitted to the Tipo Brio Single Point Injection engines could retard the ignition by 3 or 6 degrees as follows:
Unit can have 3 or 6 degrees of retard by grounding it's input pins
3 Degrees of Retard:
Ground Pin 11 (1st pin from LHS, viewed from front of module)
6 Degrees of Retard:
Ground Pin 10 (2nd pin from LHS, viewed from front of module)
Summary. I think your Cabrio engine is capable or running unleaded but if you have a Digiplex ignition module then you may find that the engine will "pink" (detonate) under certain load, temperature and altitude conditions. If it does then you can try using colder running spark plugs.