Free range chicken

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Free range chicken

Apr 3, 2007
Do you care where your chicken comes from or how it was kept?
Tesco's shareholders don't
there are strict guide lines about keeping other animals but chickens don't get the same attention.
Is it because they are small or because they are a bird? I don't know but I think they should have a bit of room to be able to run around and eat a bit of grass before they are slaughtered, like cattle and sheep get.
Well let's discuss it before it gets forgotten about then :) Sometimes I 'care' and sometimes I 'don't' - depending how far away payday is.

yeah, they can't ask the average working person to pay the huge amount extra they want for free range, but if one big supermarket went totally free range I think the others would be forced to follow and the prices would come down.
Tesco had the chance and they blew it.
yeah they were, pretty much lottery winners as far as chickens go, but that is also life, some get lucky, most suffer.

mine are pampered too. they get all sorts of scraps on top their usual layers pellets, plus a big garden to run around in. And in return they give me eggs ;).
I think the supermarkets could at least insist that the chickens are allowed out of the barn, even if it's only a small outside area that they get to use. Maybe enough room to run a little and stretch their wings.
Does anyone know......?

How much space per bird chickens are allowed under free range regulations?
How long chickens are allowed to live prior to slaughter under free range regulations?
How many chickens are slaughtered each day in the UK?
How many chickens are consumed each day in the UK?

approximates will do.
I buy all my meat from the local butcher. It's only marginally more expensive than the supermarket & it's all sourced locally & organic/free-range.
Thing is, free range/organic meat tastes much better & shrinks less so therefore goes further.
Some vegetables are worth buying organic - carrots, potatoes, swede, turnips, tomatoes and celery.
The intense flavours make these veg so much more enjoyable.
All well and good having a huge plateful of food in front of you but if it has no taste you're wasting your money & might as well just eat some boiled rice.
I think I read somewhere that chilled poultry in a supermarket requires more energy to keep than frozen poultry.
This seems a paradox, on the other hand, the low-cost chains (e.g. Lidl here) do not offer chilled poultry, thus it may be true :confused:
Mine have 12 acres to run around in, the eggs are fantastic and when it's time for the chop I only have to walk to the chicken shed....

......same goes for the lambs:D
I only buy free range chicken and eggs, I've seen inside a chicken shed, its not nice:( I keep away from fast food as much as possible because they usually use battery hens. I believe a happy chicken is a tastier chicken :yum: