General Film shoot

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General Film shoot


Established member
Aug 3, 2017
This coming Friday, Val and 2 other classic 500’s are taking part in a promotional shoot for Peroni beer in London :cool:

They wanted 3 500’s in the Italian flag colours. Val being green, a colour that is not too common in the UK, meant we managed to grab a spot. No idea what to expect, but i’m sure it will be good fun and an experience. I’ll report back post the event.

Well, Lisa and her red L, David deputising for his son Barry and their white F and myself and Val had a great day. Driving up to stores in formation and being filmed then we drove around London following a camera car. Go-Pro’s fitted and various angles shot.

The video will be used for internal marketing but I’m sure it will find it’s way out into the ether. A good time had by all of us. Beer, coolbag and polo shirt gifted as a thank you. We certainly looked a sight and generated a lot of interest drving in convoy holding up the traffic :slayer:

A lot of stop, start. engine off and on. I’m pleased to advise that all three bambino’s performed perfectly and there were no issues during the day.

Once the video is out, I’ll post it online.



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I never knew about the local reg location tag. Having a quick google, post 1974, PW is specific to Norwich. Of course when I imported Valentina (green 500) i was assigned an age related plate by dvla. so, I consider myself educated a little bit more :)
Growing up in Norwich it was PW and I think CL cars that were local. I remember all lotus cars had a PW Reg and if you go check you’ll see that included James Bond’s lotus esprit.

I owned a couple of cars with PW plates so seeing yours it just jumped out at me.
Dear all, I'm pleased to announce that the video shoot is now available for your viewing pleasure.

It's an internal promotion for Peroni so has their beer content. Mainly the 500 footage is at the beginning and ending with a small amount in the middle of the video.

I like what they have done. (y)

Password: cas20
